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Colin and the Kinglake Ranges Wilderness Camp



285KinglakeRangerskinglakerangestaff285Colin is a treasured member of the Kinglake community.


For the past five years he has owned and operated the Kinglake Ranges Wilderness Camp,  which delivers experiential learning programs to especially disadvantaged young people from the region.


He Chairs the Kinglake Scout Group, is Treasurer of the award winning local paper Mountain Monthly Cooperative, a Director of the Australian Camps Association and is a valuable member of the Kinglake Ranges Recovery committee.


He brings terrific depth to youth environmental community engagement activities because for 14 years before settling in Kinglake Col was a senior executive with Hewlett Packard.


After the bushfire Col turned his enterprising attention towards rebuilding a sustainability showcase where the original Kinglake Ranges Wilderness Camp once stood.


His vision is for an experiential learning center now needed more that ever for local young people, as well as for a corporate sustainability strategy development facility where teams can experience sustainability in practice and in the magnificent natural environment, as an inspiration for carving out their own green corporate vision.


Col has received a Federal Jobs Fund grant to support this work.


The Flowerdale Community managed to secure some detached housing units to support the Camp's initial redevelopment and an exciting array of sustainable technologies will be incorporated into the new design.


Watch the video to hear about what is shaping up in this exciting corner of Kinglake.


If you are interested in finding out more you can check out the Kinglake Ranges Wilderness Camp website to find out more.

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